How a Call from a Telemarketer Saved My Marriage

Posted on October 31, 2012 by

Today’s post is by  What a powerful lesson!  I LOVE this post! – Peacefulwife

All the calls I’ve been getting from various political campaigns recently remind me of  the golden age of telemarketing.  Before the do not call list, before everybody had a cell phone, those calls were almost as inevitable as death and taxes.   They were a nuisance, but I have to admit I did get one call that literally changed my life.

Those were very dark times in our marriage.  My husband had lied to me, and I struggled for years to deal with it.  The lie was about events that occurred before I knew him.  In fact,these events  happened before he even began walking with God.  But I could not forgive him.  I had no peace, and made  sure he didn’t either.

One afternoon while I was making supper, the phone rang.  It was a telemarketer, asking to speak with my husband.  I was tipped off by the way the caller butchered his name.  I was quite pleased that, instead of rudely hanging up, I could honestly say, “I’m sorry, there’s no one here by that name”.

“There’s no one here by that name”.

That was it.  In that moment, God gave me everything I needed to forgive Erik and move on with my life.  I had been listening to a “sales pitch” of lies about my husband.  Over and over.  But the truth was that person didn’t exist anymore.  Erik was a new creation.  He had put that old identity aside.  After that, every time those accusations against him started to play in my head, I could say, “There’s no one here by that name”.  And hang up.

So often, I want to be seen as a new creation, but I continue to accuse other people based on their old identity.  Is there someone in your life whose transformation you need to acknowledge?  A debt you need to forgive?  An accusing voice that you need to “hang up”on?